"I usually do one meditative method each evening – Kundalini is my favorite. When I can't manage that, I do Chakra Breathing in the morning before leaving for work.
"Since my first visit to the Meditation Resort in Puna in 1998 something has really changed in the way I work. I used to be identified with my job, and if things didn't happen the way I wanted them to, if nothing flowed, I gave myself a very hard time. But the more I pushed myself in this way the more I 'lost' it. Now I am not lost in what I am doing. Getting lost in the work takes so much energy that by the end of the working day I used to feel destroyed."
"When I feel connected with myself I feel very relaxed. What do I mean by saying 'When I am connected to myself'? Let me put it this way: Sometimes in the past I was very disconnected from myself, certainly from my heart. Now typically I try to have a feeling for my subject more than an intellectual grasp. I start to put myself in the situation and I wait till the moment that something comes out – especially for the beginning of the article which is the most important part. You have to capture the attention of the reader; otherwise he will be off onto the neighbouring article or the next page."
"I don't know how it is possible, but I feel I am not using my mind when I am writing from this inner feeling of connectedness; I don't know what it is I use but something emerges from inside. In a way you could say I am in a space of meditation. I feel at home and there is no feeling of tiredness – and in the past I would often work feeling exhausted
"When I am able to find this space of 'no-mind' I have really a fun time. I laugh when I read what I have written: I enjoy it! – that's the right word. I go on teasing myself and the subject I am writing on; I don't take it very seriously.
"I have always found it very easy to connect with people, but now through the impact of meditation I am more able to give them their space. In the past I knew what the company wanted from me so I would direct the interview towards that. I knew where I had to start and where I had to arrive, so I would push things along horizontally. But it wasn't easy for me."
" Now I still keep control of the situation but I also allow them – and myself – to go deeper, which happens simultaneously – and I respect it a lot when they say something that I don't understand or like. In the past if my interview subject said something I didn't like or understand I would omit it: now I am more willing to step outside my own definitions of the subject."
"So, meditation has helped me to connect to a deeper, more intuitive, feminine side of myself. It's given me a spaciousness and a flexibility which of course impacts the way I write, the way I relate to people, how I hear what they have to say". ...Back for more Buddhas of Suburbia Copyright© Osho Times International