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Meditation Goes Mainstream

Gibberish in High Courts

Strange things are happening in the conference rooms of Brazil's Department of health offices, airports, and in the private chambers of its Electoral High Courts – CEOs, managers and key office personnel are engaged in a whole battery of stress seminars, which include Osho's active meditations, especially No-Mind Meditation, which starts with gibberish.
     This rather unique meditative explosion is the brainchild of Bodhi Champak, who started Osho Management Institute (OMI) a few years ago, and transformed more than 4,000 of Brazil's stressed-out banks by supervising over 700 seminars for 17,000 managers to teach 64,000 harassed bank tellers the art of meditation.
     Champak's success with the banking world has recently led him to create a new firm called OMI Consultores Ltda., a consultant organization comprised of five highly trained sannyasin therapists, dancers, psychologists and creative artists who lead seminars in "The Individual and the Organization."
     "We've just completed a series of six groups with top management officers in the Department of Health, and the results were so positive that the Department wants 10 more groups next semester," says Champak. "We're already actively promoting our services to other organizations, and feel very confident that Osho's meditations combined with our holistic approach to stress reduction therapy can revolutionize the business world.
     "Recently we offered a presentation of our work to representatives of a major corporation which underwrites about 60 airports here in Brazil, and were so successful that they're interested in our services next year. And last month we led a one-day seminar for officials working in Brazil's highest Electoral Court.
     "All I can say is, so far, so good!"

EEC Officials Try Kundalini

Osho's meditations are a hit with officials at the Commission of the European Union in Brussels. Sannyasins from the Osho Shanti Om Meditation Center have been teaching Kundalini Meditation to more than 300 EEG officials, who gave enthusiastic feedback about their experiences, including these comments:
     "My husband told me for the first time, after 17 years, that I look very beautiful, and he encouraged me to continue the meditation."
     "I didn't think it would work with me because it's too simple, but it did."
     "I have a hearing problem, and after the meditation I was so touched because I could hear the birds singing."
     "I wanted to laugh all the time and I felt very joyful."
     "The first time I felt a little awkward, but the second time it felt great because I was more loose."

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