Can you explain your understanding of
how the Osho Dynamic Meditation works on and
through the three different brains?

Nitamo: Osho Dynamic Meditation is one of the most scientific methods to heal and to create integrity between the three parts of the body — the body, mind and heart — and between the three brains.

The first stage of the method, “fire” breathing, works on the reptilian brain, allowing us to break free of the control of the higher brain. So emotions and instincts are freed up.

The second stage, catharsis, works on the mammalian brain, by cleaning the blocked emotions and freeing old mental memories and shocks.

In the third stage, of jumping and hammering the first chakra with sound, you move the energy up to the higher part of the body, and by so doing return to a deep sense of integrity. You can get to a point when you are jumping totally effortlessly for ten minutes...